Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Some Grands at Thanksgiving

Some Grands at Thanksgiving, originally uploaded by grandmaseelye.

I (Luke) am helping Gma out for putting more words after pictures. (c:

Here's a whole 'nother paragraph.. to write things unrelated to pictures?


Anonymous said...

Wow, Luke is thrusting you into the blogging world! Words after the pictures will be very nice too! Thanks for doing all this work, mom and Luke!

Anonymous said...

Double wow!!! I didn't know you had a blog... I was on Daniel's and saw 'California Connection' under 'family ties' and wondered who that could possibly be.

I keep all the family blogs under a menu called 'Kids', which makes the entries 'Grandma' and 'Grandpa' look a little odd. I should change something...

The field of the blogless is narrowing down... Are Jeff and I the only ones left? Or is Jeff also blogging somewhere I don't know about?